Infra-Metals Central Hits Safety Milestone!
Congratulations to our Central Division on 365 days of accident free operation! We are very proud of your efforts to achieve such a big milestone!
Infra-Metals New Boston New Safety Milestone
As of October 28, 2019, Infra-Metals New Boston has worked 500 days without recordable injury, smashing their old record or 441 days! Safety is no accident. Everyone in our New Boston facility has worked very hard to reach this goal! Keep up the good work New Boston!
International WorkBoat Show 2019
Come see Infra-Metals and Delta Steel Inc in New Orleans, LA. on December 4-6, booth #1655. Infra-Metals and Delta Steel are the largest suppliers of structural steel servicing many industries including but not limited to Structural Fabrication, Ship Building and Repair, Oil and Gas, Bridge and Infrastructure and Agricultural. We specialize in extensive first stage […]
Infra-Metals New Boston injury free for 365 days!
As of June 15, 2019, Infra-Metals New Boston has worked 365 days without a recordable injury. That is no small feat…It has not gone unnoticed. I know we pride ourselves on not patting ourselves on the back, and just keeping our head down and doing the right thing, but I also know how important your […]
New Boston hosts Spring 2018 OSA Membership meeting
On Friday, March 16, 2018 Infra-Metals New Boston hosts the annual membership meeting for The Ohio Structural Steel & Architectural Metals Association. The event is sponsored by Infra-Metals, Atlas Tube and V&S Galvanizing. Thank you for your participation. The program will include a presentation on steelXML from AISC, FabSuite and Infra-Metals followed by a tour […]
SteelDay 2017!
We are proud to be hosting SteelDay 2017 again this year at our Wallingford, CT facility!
New Boston Hosts the 3rd Annual Bob Walton, Sr. 5k
Our New Boston facility is proud to be hosting the 3rd Annual Bob Walton, Sr. 5k for Cancer on Saturday, October 7th at 9:00am. The race will begin and end at Infra-Metals located at 1 Sturgills Way, New Boston, OH in the Bob Walton Sr. Industrial Park adjacent to Osco. All proceeds to benefit the […]
Atlanta Facility hosts AISC LEED Education Seminar
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is one of the most popular green building certification programs used worldwide.[7] Developed by the non-profit U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) it includes a set of rating systems for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of green buildings, homes, and neighborhoods[8] that aims to help building owners and […]
New Boston facility hosts 2nd Annual Bob Walton, Sr. 5k
Our New Boston facility is proud to be hosting the 2nd Annual Bob Walton, Sr. 5k for Cancer on Saturday, October 8th at 9:00am. The race will begin and end at Infra-Metals located at 1 Sturgills Way, New Boston, OH in the Bob Walton Sr. Industrial Park adjacent to Osco. All proceeds to benefit the […]
Tampa Facility hosts AISC Presentation
Interested in LEED? Do you want to learn more about recycled content and the sustainability of the Steel Industry? Infra-Metals Tampa, FL will be hosting an AISC presentation by John Cross on June 14th, 2016. We invite you to join us for this very special event to tour our facility, learn more about our industry […]