Summer Food Drive with Feeding Tampa Bay

Our Tampa Plant recently participated in a Cereal for Summer Food Drive with Feeding Tampa Bay. Our Tampa employees heard the plea from this Organization to help with the never ending fight for childhood food insecurity. During the summer months, 1 in 4 children are food insecure.  They needed the support from the local community, […]

Tampa Participates In Second Chance Job Fair hosted by Grace Family Church

On Tuesday, June 8th, our Infra-Metals Tampa Traffic Manager, Edwin Rivera and HR-Safety Manager, Jennifer Goulbourne, participated in a Second Chance Job Fair hosted by Grace Family Church at their Ybor City Tampa Campus. Job seekers were able to connect with competitive employers, while gaining access to different service agencies like Florida Restoration Rights Coalition, […]

Florida Division Has Operated Two Years Accident Free!!!

We are pleased to announce that on March 6, 2021, our Infra-Metals Florida Division employees, have worked 2 Years Accident Free!!! Our employees have worked over 117,640 hours and shipped 159,280 tons without injury.  This is an extraordinary accomplishment! When we asked our employees, what keeps them motivated to work safely, their answer was to […]

NASCC 2021 Virtual Exhibitor

Registration for NASCC The Virtual Steel Conference is now open. This is event will be held April 12-16, 2021. Click here for more information and to register for this event. This virtual event has something for everybody with over 150+ educational sessions and networking opportunities. The NASCC conference has long been the go to conference […]

Tampa Steel Virtual Conference 2021

Infra-Metals is proud to be sponsoring the 2021 Tampa Steel Conference this year. The conference will be held on Tuesday, February 2, 2021. This is the 32nd year for the conference and going virtual doesn’t means it’s not full of great opportunities to connect and network. The full agenda is available now and has some […]

New Infra-Metals Virginia Safety Record Smashes Previous

Infra-Metals Virginia has achieved another milestone for safety. On January 1, 2021, they recorded the official (1) Calendar Year and 533 days OSHA Recordable Free! Their original plant record occurred on July 31, 2020 where they operated for 365 days without incident. Prior to that, their previous record was 188 days. Infra Petersburg continues to […]

Why Use a Service Center?

Structural steel is bulky, heavy, and difficult to transport. Rather than paying exorbitant transportation costs to move it from a centralized facility, a strategically located regional service center mitigates long-term shipping costs and provide structural steel solutions faster and more efficiently. Beyond simple cost reduction, however, a service center acts a resource for builders in […]

COVID-19 Response

Infra-Metals takes seriously our responsibilities to our employees, our customers, our suppliers, and our communities. In that spirit, we have taken a number of steps to minimize the risk and prevent the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We have implemented proactive measures identified by the CDC to protect our employees from contracting or spreading the […]